At least someone's happy…

By reckless182 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my 10 year-old son that his father and I are getting a divorce. His reply? "Yes! I call living with dad!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 672
You deserved it 13 565

Top comments


Awe, well yeah kids can be pretty harsh.


Dad is great, he gives us the chocolate cake...

fxdxhk90 0

Relax, he's 10, he probably picked the parent that he believes will buy him more stuff. He probably doesn't understand the implications of a divorce.

Well, when you're ten you know which parent will be nicer to you. He probably really doesn't like his mother for a reason.

My thoughts exactly. He probably didn't want to live with the mother because she's uneducated and/or just plain stupid.

lolololcheese 0

His dad probbly teaches him prop. grammar

Alpacater 0

To all the people saying her son wants to live with his dad because he's a boy: he might have chosen that parent because his mother is a bad one. when my parents got divorced I chose to live with my father because my mother was verbally and often physically abusive, and I'm female. The gender of the child does not dictate which parent they will want to live with.

redblueviolet 0

Don't sweat it, he's 10. There's a pretty good chance he doesn't understand the whole divorce process, or that he's still in denial. Still, I bet that's insulting. It could mean a few things. 1. His dad gives him more stuff and is more laid back; 2. You've been a bad parent yourself (although I don't think that's the case); 3. He wants to live with the guy and do guy stuff; 4. His dad is home more while you have to work so he knows his dad better (If my parents had divorced when I was 10, I'd have picked my mom because my dad's always working); or 5. He and his dad simply have more in common. But it's nothing to worry about. He loves you too.

niska_fml 0

Okay, when I was growing up, my dad worked all day, and brought toys/treats home everyday. My mom stayed at home and had to take care of all of us. She had to dole out punishment if one of us was bad (and we were bad), she had to take on the rule of "unfun parent". This is probably a similar situation, where her ex-husband works all the time, and the only interaction with his son is fun. That doesn't make her a bad mother. That makes her someone her drew the short end of the stick and has to slave over raising her son while her husband decides to work all day and hog all the glory of a good child because the kid likes the dad more than the mom.

MeMeMe123455 0

I'm really sorry that he did that :( FYL, but he'll feel like crap in a few years for doing that.

*sigh* thats not how i reacted when my parents got a divorce......