
By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 05:47 - United States - Gainesville

Today, my mother-in-law said I wasn't the type she expected her son to marry, as he's always dated cheerleaders and model types. I must have looked offended, so she added, "I mean they weren't smart like you." So, I might be smart but I'm the ugliest girl my husband has ever been with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 496
You deserved it 3 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Intelligence and personality are better than looks any day.

AliceLockehart 18

Why do looks matter? As long as your both happy, that's what's important :).


LOL, you're such an (possibly lonely, depressed, need for attention) Asshole.

Picolli 6

Looks are a momentary loss of direction when it comes to finding a partner as and I've assumed it's already been mentioned, looks don't last forever. He's a lucky lucky man!

On the bright side, you're the one who he loved enough to make a commitment to spend the rest of his life with?

MasterTron 24

That's not true, he would not have married you if he thought you where ugly. It's just his mom being a bitch

You're probably beautiful and the fact you're smart is just a bonus,embrace it :)

oathkeeper77 5

Think of it this way; your husband has evolved from a boy to a man. And I'm sure you're plenty beautiful

That's okay! I've been married to my hubby for 23 + years, we've raised 4 kids and my in laws still don't accept me. I'm still not good enough. I've gotten older & fatter but when we married, I was 108 lbs. and I was always at the top of my class in school & college. You get used to it after, ooh, 20 years or so!!

I personally would much rather someone who's smart over some hot prissy asshole. You should feel proud, not upset, that he would rather be with you then someone who is extremely hot. I'm guessing too that his mother meant when he was in HS/college, when a guy thinks with one head, the one between his legs.

my dad thinks megan fox is ugly. .but I think your mother in law is just trying to say you're smart,and his past girlfriends were airheads!