
By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 05:47 - United States - Gainesville

Today, my mother-in-law said I wasn't the type she expected her son to marry, as he's always dated cheerleaders and model types. I must have looked offended, so she added, "I mean they weren't smart like you." So, I might be smart but I'm the ugliest girl my husband has ever been with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 496
You deserved it 3 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Intelligence and personality are better than looks any day.

AliceLockehart 18

Why do looks matter? As long as your both happy, that's what's important :).


ciumegu 6

You can always change the way you look, but beeing smart is a gift.

harkerk87 3

Don't worry about what she is saying!!! Do you love the guy does he love you?? I'd say if the answer of both of those are he's, you've got nothing to worry about!!!!!!!

naughtylez82 4

I don't think your mother in law meant to be offensive. Sounds like a bad compliment op. The important thing is beauty's only skin deep and your husband loves you

I don't think she was trying to say you were ugly. Stereo-types for models and cheerleaders is that they are usually ditzy and shallow. Even though not all of them are like that. She probably meant well, it just came out wrong.

The only thing I have is brains. Don't feel bad, OP. I'm sure you're beautiful and she just worded it wrong.

YDI for taking every comment at its worst possible interpretation.

JessalynVictoria 6

I'm lucky enough that even though my future mil doesn't like me personally, she sees her happy son and is civil with me... Some moms that doesn't even matter to them, and are awful to their daughter in laws. Good luck with that...

I think you're reading into it too much. Models and cheerleaders are both characterized as being dumb and pretty. However that doesn't mean they're the only pretty people out there.