
By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 05:47 - United States - Gainesville

Today, my mother-in-law said I wasn't the type she expected her son to marry, as he's always dated cheerleaders and model types. I must have looked offended, so she added, "I mean they weren't smart like you." So, I might be smart but I'm the ugliest girl my husband has ever been with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 502
You deserved it 3 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Intelligence and personality are better than looks any day.

AliceLockehart 18

Why do looks matter? As long as your both happy, that's what's important :).


flyer55 3

Well he chose a life with you over the "model" types, so I'd take it as a compliment :)

Looks fade. Brains and personality endure. Sounds like your boyfriend finally grew up and realized what was important. One of the things I love most about my SO is that, like me, she's the product of way too much education and we can follow each other's conversation references from classical Greek drama to cult films to Carl Sagan and back again. We always have something to talk about...or we're comfortable in silence.

lahexi 5

Maybe she just meant the "stereotypical cheerleader" types, meaning they are (generally) pretty, but very dumb. I don't think she was commenting on your looks at all, just that you are a smart girl.

Better than the other way around. Brains last longer than looks, and who says you're ugly? Good for your husband that he stopped looking for bimbos and married you!

i think she genuinely meant that you're bette than the skanks he used to date...

harmonyvu 0

Looks only take you so far. Personality captures the heart

Yet he's with you. Maybe you're ugly to her but you're obviously beautiful to him so chill. :)

Fang17 3

Look at this way, he married you so he thinks your pretty...

Being a cheerleader or model-type doesn't mean that you're pretty, and not being a cheerleader or model type doesn't mean that you're ugly. You're the one who's taking it like that. If yoy already are sortof insecure about your looks you can read an insult about your appearance in pretty much everything.