
By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 05:47 - United States - Gainesville

Today, my mother-in-law said I wasn't the type she expected her son to marry, as he's always dated cheerleaders and model types. I must have looked offended, so she added, "I mean they weren't smart like you." So, I might be smart but I'm the ugliest girl my husband has ever been with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 496
You deserved it 3 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Intelligence and personality are better than looks any day.

AliceLockehart 18

Why do looks matter? As long as your both happy, that's what's important :).

Comments boyfriend told me I'm not like his ex's at all... And that I'm the thickest girl he's dated.... I weigh don't feel bad

It shouldn't matter if you pretty or not. You are your own person. At least he likes you for who you are.

lexi365 20

Who cares what your mother-inlaw thinks. As long if you two are happy, that's all it matters.

It's whats on the inside that matters, right?

no worries; who ended up with his heart?

What she meant was: He used to hang out with dumb, attention-seeking, slutty-dressed girls, but now he's married to a smart girl. In no way did she state anything in regards to beauty or appearance, just his previous 'taste' of low intelligence partners. Take it as the compliment it was supposed to be.

You're the kind of person I like; not retarded. This is the problem with women though. They'll try to take anything the wrong way. They're like those dick-ass genies who corrupt every wish because you didn't word it EXACTLY right.

Aren't in-laws just the greatest people...

ohshitjens 5

He chose you because he loves you and that's all that matters. Because he loves you, you ARE the most beautiful woman your husband has ever been with.

Would she rather have a beautiful retarded daughter in law or an intelligent daughter that can go for an extreme make over? there's no remedy for retards