
By wtf - 14/09/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that if my penis was on any other body it would be considered small, but on me it's "cute." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 078
You deserved it 4 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PSQ91 6

She's trying not be offensive. You should be grateful to have her.


Lol why get a new gf when this one likes his "cute" penis that other girls may not like.. Lol keep her

kickazz16 15

Penis size is genetic, blame your dad. :)

ouch.. But at least she's sweet and obviously cares about your feelings :)

Llamassss 21

I bet she doesn't love him as much as you love me, though.

If she cared about his feelings, she'd have kept that entire convo to herself.

I'd be worried if I was you...cute don't please a women...either learn some other skills or get ready for the dear John....

"don't please a woman"? Lol...penis size vs brains....hmmm....

jessesgirl14 16

Guys who don't know the difference between "woman" and "women" are idiots...

Don't worry, even with small worms you can catch big fish ;) Just throw it out in another pond and see if there are better things there.

A bigger pond? Wouldn't that be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

FYL indeed If it makes you feel any better, no girl will ever be with me because of my dick size. At least you made it father with a girl than I ever will in my life -_-

Youl find someone! :) size shouldnt matter it should be their personality that they love

From all my experiences with women, they're all superficial in regards to how much a guy can pleasure them or their wealth. Alternatively, I'm at the friend zone. Whatever, I accepted my loneliness.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Why do you think that? Size in relation to other guys doesn't matter, what matters is size in relation to your partner. There's lots of girls out there that are too "petite" to be with a big guy. There's also those who experience pain during sex, often due simply to their anatomy or permanent conditions, and would gladly be with a smaller guy who doesn't hurt them as much. If you're caring and patient enough to learn how to please your girl, you'll have no problem.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

51, Move!! I know what it's like for everyone I meet to be the exact same brand of dumbass, but I found it's got a lot to do with locale. For example, people in Chicago are total dicks, but go further west, north or south, and everyone gets progressively nicer and nicer. So if all the girls you know are superficial assholes, you probably live amidst their breeding ground, so if you have a chance, get outta there. I guarantee you not all females are like that.

Alas, I have yet to meet such a petite woman you described. I appreciate your attempt to give me hope though, it means a lot.

What theyre saying is completely true, it hurts for my friend because her boyfriend is too big. Honestly, she told me she wished he was smaller, so really, dont worry.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Don't worry Mitch, I speak from experience.

Also, the cervix thing is false. It doesnt feel good at all.

Meeting a girl is one thing, making her even have a faint thought of going out with me is another. I have no confidence due to my size, so I just can't get past the acquaintance stage. I end up looking like a loser, so it is what it is.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

I don't see how people can deny the existence of the g spot. Maybe some women don't have them, but just because science has not yet figured out a way to prove it in an objective way doesn't mean all those women are lying or imagining things. Science couldn't prove many things in the past that we ultimately ended up being able to affirm. Anyway, the g spot isn't that far up and can often be reached with fingers. Also, Mitch, this sounds like a deeper psychological problem than a physical one. Fortunately that's easier to fix.

G spot DOES exist. Different responses with different women.

It's okay, it's best if I never be with anyone. Don't wish to burden any girl.

viciousdeli 0

Mitch, you're one of the most modest and selfless people I've ever seen. That is a VERY good trait to have, I have no doubt in my mind you'll find someone for you out there. I definitely know that feeling. May I suggest broadening your horizons? I never would've thought myself gay until I met my current boyfriend. :)

The conversation above made me smile. :) I also have a small penis and also think that most girls care about size. :'(

I love my boyfriend for his personality, not his size... Stop talking down saying most girls say that matters only ***** think that and if they do complain they are probably not even glancing at your personality

BellaBelle_fml 23

I'm so glad to see that every one of these comments were all encouraging and kind, without a single one being rude, hateful, offensive, or just plain obnoxious! Thank you everyone for being so kind to him. Mitch, keep your chin up and don't ever let anyone talk down to you or try to embarrass you about your size. You have such a humble and over-all pleasant attitude and personality. Don't ever change. :) Hugs bro!

What, so he can TALK her to an ******? :D

Pleasure her with it and she wont care about the size. If she really thinks its snall then shes gotta love ypu cause otherwise she wouldnt stay with you. Unless she likes it small... nah thats not possible.

stfu_bam 5

As long as your getting laid, I don't see a problem. With that said, get over it!