Bad boy

By a-non - 02/02/2009 15:57 - United States

Today, I realized that the dog humping my leg was the most action I've gotten in months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 097
You deserved it 8 219

Same thing different taste


I have two guys fighting over me... Yesterday, they got together and called me. They said that since i couldn't choose if we could have a threesome to see who's better in bed.... they almost came to a conclusion that they could share me as a girlfriend... but then they thought a threesome would be better... sex is more important to them then actually having me as a girlfriend....

dvs01 0

Go find some girls. Problem solved.

rasberryicedtea 0

seems like the dog is pretty desperate too

you got action. even if it was your dog. it's still action. be glad.

djren 0

Don't even bitch about that I'm still a virgin

Haha how old are you? If you're over 18 that's ******* sad

Did you ever get humped by a dog? They take out their nasty pink worm of a penis and start bashing it against your leg. It's disgusting if you ask me