
By wtfisthisworldcomingto - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was mugged. The guy mugging me was eating a banana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 872
You deserved it 7 502

Top comments

FreebirdIII 1

That's important information. Tell the cops to search for banana breath.


88sforlife 0

he qot away by usinq the banana peel .

sabrecaz 0

The banana must be the source of his superpowers. Take it away and he will be helpless. You can thank me later.

MandaMazing 0

So let me get this straight... U got mugged... Did u go to the cops? Or go straight to FML to write it

sushidino 0
wakeNmakePIZZA 0

****, you made me spray dr pepper out my nose when I saw this