Best clapback

By wetbutt - 06/03/2009 17:49 - United States

Today, I yelled at my little brother for leaving the toilet seat up and told him he needed to go around the house and make sure they were all down. I went to the bathroom later to find that the toilet seats and covers from every toilet had all been removed and were sitting on my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 997
You deserved it 68 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wolfking 0

why is it that girls are always so adamant about leaving the seat down? do guys yell at girls if the seat is down, and we have to use the very small amount of effort needed to lift the seat? cause that's pretty much the same thing


37: in response to what you said about 27, I'd have to say that most of the time I look down, but there are occasions when I forget. Considering I grew up with mostly girls in my household, the first 18 years of my life were spent not paying any attention for the most part. It's not like it's a huge deal. It's just a lot more disgusting to accidentally fall in the toilet/sit on piss stains that guys leave than it is for the guys to just hit the seat down when they're done. That's the only problem in my opinion.

imhawaiian 0

Put the seat down then damnit and maybe look before you sit that way you don't fall in and you'll have to get used to this later in life anyway.

Monty_Python 0

OP's brother is awesome! Also, why can't women just look? I have never once fallen in the toilet when the seat is up. The closest I have ever come was when I woke up at 2 a.m. to take a dump. I walked in, realized that I was about to sit in the toilet, and just stood back up. Seriously, if I have that much thought with half a night's sleep then women should be able to do it all the time.

Liveanotherday 0

Wtf? He actually went around and managed to remove all the toilet seats? Lol, tell ur bro he's the man

yea i agree with 45 id give him a hi 5

cheeze_fml 0

Don't argue with a man when it comes to the toilet seat. We will always win, either by peeing on the seat or by completely ignoring you. It's like making sure there's enough toilet paper, you have to look before you leak.

HAHAHAHA. Your little brother is a GENIUS! that's great!

to me, the gyst of this is that it's another teenage girl complaining about something not worth complaining about rather than accepting life's difficulties and "driving on." self-centered reactionaries, specifically teenage girls, continue to be the bane of our society.

countrygal24 3

Ok, first of all...the little brother is hilarious...second of all to #5, excuse me? LESSER sex? Exactly how are we lesser? I agree, it's stupid for women to gripe the the seat was left don't gripe when it gets left down...but we are sooo NOT lesser.