Big dong

By Anonymous - 03/12/2015 14:02

Today, I accidentally walked in on my dad as he was getting changed. Now I know genetics can be a real bitch. With such a massive difference in size, I have to question whether I'm even biologically related to this old three-legged git. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 080
You deserved it 3 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smilevue 23
dman798 18

Be confident in yourself and how you are


Love your self as you are! it all matters on how you use it.

So the point of this being an FML is accidentally walking in?

Passion. Passion is what excels everything in, interests, love. We can all rub a shoulder, but passion is what makes it a massage. Focus on that.

the size of your penis has nothing to do with you dad its your moms genes that decide it

It ain't the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean

wooddelilah 5

The older you get the more gravity takes effect, ergo the lower it hangs.

With girls, there's always a G spot if you rub the right way haha, you'll be okay OP, girls normally like it if it's functional hahaha

Don't worry op, its all about how you use it. size doesn't matter! ;)

There are guys that haven't seen their fathers in the buck?