Big dong

By Anonymous - 03/12/2015 14:02

Today, I accidentally walked in on my dad as he was getting changed. Now I know genetics can be a real bitch. With such a massive difference in size, I have to question whether I'm even biologically related to this old three-legged git. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 076
You deserved it 3 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smilevue 23
dman798 18

Be confident in yourself and how you are


BrailynRaylynn 22

Size comes from the mother's genes, not the father's (contrary to popular belief). Besides, size isn't everything.

Reading all these folks say size doesn't matter makes me laugh. Some women like them big, some women like them small, some women don't care at all. The trick is to find someone you are compatible with.


idky you're being downvoted, everything you said is true. Just because a girl thinks you're too small doesn't mean to another girl you wont be big or perfect. The opposite applies as well. one girl could think you're huge and not enjoy intimacy with you and another girl would be crazy about it. compatibility is important, our parts aren't universal when it comes to having enjoyable sex for both people.

who's got the biggest? lol Kik me.!!! @always_his_

as long as you don't have a micropenis I think you will be okay

Count your blessings, friend. It's a bitch to find a woman who can take it when you're a good deal above average.