Biology major

By LilPie - 19/11/2015 22:10 - United States - Fort Washington

Today, my friend and I were having a casual discussion about sex. Blowjobs came up and my friend said she'd never dared to give one, arguing that swallowing sperm can make you pregnant. I then had to go on with a 30 minute argument with her on how that's not possible. She's 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 141
You deserved it 2 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeittoem 8

And this is why it's important to pay attention in high school...

It will all just blow over in the end, I'm sure.


nityasomaiya 46

Apparently there's no.vaccine for stupidity

Never argue with idiots, they bring You down to their level, stress You out and in they end, they still win (in their own mind).

It's a good thing she's not trying to have kids. Can you imagine how stupid her children would be?

If she thinks you get pregnant by swallowing sperm, how would she manage to have kids? :) "Baby, I don't know why it's not working! I really want you to get pregnant! Now come over here so we can try again."

wolfgirl310 20

Be a good friend and **** block that chick every chance you get. She does not need to breed.

Except that it actually did happen to one girl... She had a hole in her stomach after an injury.

Actually it is 27; Google "pregnant from ******* stabbing" and read the first article. A girl in Africa (with a birth defect that caused her to have no ******) got pregnant by being stabbed in the stomach by her ex after she gave a ******* to her new boyfriend.