Biology major

By LilPie - 19/11/2015 22:10 - United States - Fort Washington

Today, my friend and I were having a casual discussion about sex. Blowjobs came up and my friend said she'd never dared to give one, arguing that swallowing sperm can make you pregnant. I then had to go on with a 30 minute argument with her on how that's not possible. She's 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 141
You deserved it 2 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeittoem 8

And this is why it's important to pay attention in high school...

It will all just blow over in the end, I'm sure.


you could've pointed out that you don't necessarely have to swallow, even if you are dumb enough to think that'd make you pregnant

Although very rare, there have been studied to show that it can occur.

KingAdrock 16

No, that is unequivocally false. Getting pregnant from swallowing sperm is not rare, it is outright impossible. The gastrointestinal and reproductive systems are not just different, they're completely separate with no connection between the two.

Tell her you have some ocean front property in Arizona!

Actually there have been 2 recorded cases of bjs causing pregnancy.