Biology major

By LilPie - 19/11/2015 22:10 - United States - Fort Washington

Today, my friend and I were having a casual discussion about sex. Blowjobs came up and my friend said she'd never dared to give one, arguing that swallowing sperm can make you pregnant. I then had to go on with a 30 minute argument with her on how that's not possible. She's 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 141
You deserved it 2 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeittoem 8

And this is why it's important to pay attention in high school...

It will all just blow over in the end, I'm sure.


This is what my school taught us because they're not required to tell the truth by the state.

TAntobella 14

Wow.. Seriously??? Was it one of those crazy christian / muslim schools that also teach the Earth is 6000 years old?? How is it possible that they are allowed to uneducate students??

It is possible because the Republican Party has pushed and fought to make it so that Sex Ed isn't mandatory for schools to teach in the vast majority of states. And in those in which it is mandatory, it's often not required that it be factually accurate or comprehensive. The National Council of State Legislatures is a pretty good place to start on this.

Yours was only just now killed? Mine went the way of the dodo years ago.

sailorarctic 22

Everytime I see posts like this it makes me mourn our education system and how badly it is failing.

What? This discussion didn't lead to a demonstration?

kmw003 17

lol this is why the American sex ed classes need to be changed.

I feel like there should be a common sense test you have to take before you are allowed to reproduce.

Well bjs are the secret of long term relationships :)

I see how she might think that. Of course, I do know that digestive and reproductive systems are not connected. But I wondered, if you swallow sperm, pee it out, wipe front to back... couldn't the sperm then enter your ******? Then google told that stomach acid kills sperm, so I stopped worrying.

EDIT: I said something, looked at your comment, then realized that you basically said what I said at the very end on in less words. Whoops.

You wouldn't be peeing it out, either. Or rather, you would, but after being processed through the digestive and renal systems it would definitely not be sperm anymore. Just regular old piss.

Believe it or not, there was actually a woman who was stabbed after oral sex, and became pregnant. It sounds like an utterly ridiculous urban legend, but it really happened. Google it. Your friend needs to go through sex ed though.