Biology major

By LilPie - 19/11/2015 22:10 - United States - Fort Washington

Today, my friend and I were having a casual discussion about sex. Blowjobs came up and my friend said she'd never dared to give one, arguing that swallowing sperm can make you pregnant. I then had to go on with a 30 minute argument with her on how that's not possible. She's 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 141
You deserved it 2 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeittoem 8

And this is why it's important to pay attention in high school...

It will all just blow over in the end, I'm sure.


They say that the hottest trend for learning now is a hands on approach

It's safe if you swallow a condom first.

But *only* if the condom is coated in spermicide! Otherwise it's not as safe!

I really thought people like this didn't exist anymore.

I would have stopped talking and let her think that ? serves her right

I'm guessing that one of her parents told her that when giving her the "talk" because they didn't want their precious babby to have sex with anyone before marriage.

Sandman2015 12

Oh dear. That's just painful.

Throw an anatomy text book at her & tell her to read it. Lol.

AScooterman 12

Tell her I know somebody that's fixed and willing to be a practice model