Birth certificate

By figures - 29/11/2009 01:53 - United States

Today, I found out I've been misspelling my middle name for 25 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 404
You deserved it 40 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's alright. My parents never told me how to spell mine. I just made it up and decided how I wanted it pronounced too. It's not a common name though. I've never heard of something similar to it.


xx_irish_rose_xx 0

well if its your name, wouldnt however you spell it be correct?

ovyind 0

Of course not :P Names are legal identifiers, you can't just change your name on a whim, it has to go through the proper authorities. You don't own your name ;)

Punkartmama 0

I never use my full name, just an initial for my middle name. I often have to think twice when I actually spell it out. I know it's sad, but I'm a horrible speller!

aliasxaq 0

why do you even need to spell it

What the—? If you're being stupid on purpose, at least make it funny.

I just learned that I was spelling my middle name wrong too. It is Kristin and I have been spelling it Kristen...not sure how long (many years). I sent out numerous resumes a few months back and then received my passport in the mail and it said "Kristin" on it. I had to go back and check my birth certificate because I thought the State Dept. got it wrong. HAHA

Raymab67 0
beachbabie 0

yea but how often do u even write ur middle name? atleast it wasn't your first or last!

dude, its only a middle name.. no one uses them much..

That's just stupid, don't you have a birth certificate??

Find a sense of humour. This belongs on MLIA. It's funny.

I can't believe loads of people don't know how to spell their names! Of course, my middle name is easy- "Jane", but I expect that with a more complicated middle, it can be an easy mistake.

I was curious about what your middle name was when I read your previous response #28. I'm sorry. My parents gave me a first name that they made up, so I know how it feels to have a unique name. Although no one has to call you and ask for Lanier, that must be a plus.

Mmm, my parents were originally going to name me Peaches. What's yours? But my mom mentioned my middle name once, when I was quite young, and I told her one day that my middle name was said something like "La-Air" and "La-Near" and I picked the spelling later.

I don't have a middle name :-D and my first name is rare enough I can use it as my nick on FML! :-D

Hah, mine's Marie. My mom actually thought she was being original with that one. Then at my high school graduation, she heard just how many girls have the middle name "Marie" and threw a fit.

septemberlovebug 0

yeah, my middle name is Marie as well.. pretty simple if I do say so myself... :P

@Pandacake: Mine is also "Marie". Looks like every mother had the same idea.