
By sharon - 14/12/2011 21:21 - United States

Today, I was giving a presentation at work, when I said, "But we could care less about that." My boss asked if I meant, "Couldn't care less." Wanting to avoid embarrassment, I tried to think up an excuse, only to end up blurting that it was my phone's auto-correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 584
You deserved it 35 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow you need to learn the difference between texting and real life


Obryn 9

YDI for butchering the English language.

I hate auto correct!. always twists my words

GhettoXmuffin 7

Saying "you could care less" is an American saying. Meaning you couldn't care less. Doesn't make much sense to me. But it is what it is

The saying "couldn't care less" is redundant. You are trying to say that you don't care but by saying "could not" you ate also saying that you do care and do not want to lower the level of caring. The proper way to say that you should care less is " could care less" meaning that your level of caring could in fact be lowered. People misuse the saying and OP was trying to not have to correct themselves because they are smart

33- It's likely an example of people mishearing something and repeating it, like using units of mass and calling it weight.

39- I'm not entirely sure if you're a troll or not but I'm just going to say that you have it backwards. If you "could care less", there is an implied level of caring. If you "couldn't care less", there is no level of caring, therefore it cannot be lowered, hence people say they couldn't care less about things that, frankly, they don't care about.

Let me clear this up, as "could care less" is my BIGGEST PET PEEVE. Saying "could care less" implies that to some extent, you care, because you could care even less than you do now. "Could not care less" is the proper phrase, meaning you do not care at all, so you literally could not care any less.

Starcatch77 20

39, repeat exactly what you just explained, except backwards, and you'll actually be correct. (i. e., "I couldn't care less" is the correct format because you are saying that you could not possibly care any less than you do)

If anyone said that during a presentation I'd think they have a great sense of humour. "Didn't you mean...?" "Yea, sorry, damn auto-correct!"

Hahaha... You poor thing!! Would have been better if you just smiled and nodded... But I mean seriously! That's what you came up with?! Hahahaha :)

ninjuh_wingman 29

I think that its a sign that you're becoming too dependent on your phone.

That isn't a bad thing. It definitely lightens the mood after your boss decides to be a dick.