Bullet dodged?

By Guy - 28/09/2015 18:49 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my girlfriend dumped me after I told her I found out I have diabetes. She thought it was an STD and I had cheated on her. So I explained what it really was and she dumped me again because she didn't want her future children to inherit my fucked up DNA. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 700
You deserved it 2 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

From reading this, i can safely say you're better off without her.

The only ****** up DNA your kids would be inheriting would be from her


So she's stupid and a bitch? You're better off.

well at least you don't have to worry about your children having her brains...or lack there of

Jesus, how stupid is she? You're better off without her.

Steve97 32

Man the women in these FML's are the biggest bitches I've ever seen. Seriously how cruel can a person get?

dietcoke09 25

While I was reading this, I just kind of looked off into the distance and thought to myself, "why are people so stupid?" FYL and be glad you're done with her!

skoepp 3

She better get herself fixed then so she doesn't pass her ****** up ignorant DNA to her children. Sounds like you were set free, not dumped!

You should be glad! Now your children won't catch her ignorance!

That sucks dude, sorry to hear. Sounds like you have dodged a bullet though, she doesn't sound like someone you'd want to be having children with. Best of luck for the future!

I know this will be something hard for you to read, but good riddance. You don't need someone like that in your life because due to her actions it's clear that she isn't the long term relationship commitment kind of girl. keep looking and take good care of yourself.