Bump in the road

By misshb - 18/01/2010 01:26 - United Kingdom

Today, my long term ex, who broke up with me over a year ago and shattered my heart, seduced me (which wasn't hard, as he knew I still had feelings for him) and as he pulled out after the couple of minutes of what he called sex, he used the line, "There we go, that's your freebie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 262
You deserved it 22 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazlyn1986 0

why would u fall for it again?

Nic_hole 0

ahhh dude :/ he's a prick! you seriously don't deserve to be treated like that, well actually, NOBODY Should be treated like that..


@ #2 sorry u just missed it try again @ op uh ydi because uh hello he broke ur heart no matter what feelings u have for h u not supposed to just run in his arms the first chance u get, trust me it's happened to me before, not fun

mcfaily 0

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RmAnI 0

ur an asshole u freaking prick! Emotions tak alot of a girl which makes them confused not weak u DICK

SaturnE_fml 0

#74 - Confusion == weakness, FYI. You think a confused army presents strong opposition. And yes, emotions take alot out of _everyone_ (not just women, believe it or not, regardless of what women's studies says -- men have emotions), so don't waste them on comments you find offensive. I mean, it'd be just awful if you got all worked up, blasted some nameless person on the net and then stood up from your desk and fell down the stairs trying to find the escalator to lingerie.

what a **** wit. you should pay a real butch faggy guy to give him a "freebie"

Jeff2017 0

HAHA ytdi(t's for totally). lmfao idiot

This is weird to me. What did you expect would happen? Even if the sex wouldnt have been horrible you would still be posting "Today I had sex with my ex who I am still in love with. Afterwards he thanked me and left. FML". I feel bad but ydi for giving into a guy who has already proven himself to be an ass.

I like how you made it sound as though it's entirely his fault by saying "he seduced me." You're (presumably) an adult with a (presumably) functioning brain, you should've had some self-control and said no. You totally deserved that, no sympathy here. Jerk move on his part too though.

thats's sad, but you should have seen it coming...

Why would you go back to trash like him? YDI