
By germx - 18/03/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I was at my job in the Dean of Students office. My boss gave me some papers to copy. As I was copying, I read in a report that my boyfriend was written up for "cohabitation" (having a girl stay over) at my Catholic university. The report was from a weekend I wasn't at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 404
You deserved it 4 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Post a copy to him with a note letting him know he's dumped :) he'd deserve it. Unless of course you've made a mistake. That's probably worth checking.


Ask him what they were doing. If he says they were "studying for a test" ask him for what class. If you don't have that class, ask him WHO exactly it was. Go up to her. If she tries to run; they did it. If she smiles when she sees you; they did it. If she acts as if you're not there; they did it. If she says "i don't know what you're talking about"; they did it. if she tells you;they didn't....or it just might be a cover story, so;they still could have done it.


WAIT: well maybe this girl was stranded and needed a place to go and your bf is really an amazing nice guy and he gave her a place to stay for the night Oh yeah, right, okay..."Stranded Girl Gets Taken In By Amazing Boyfriend With Girlfriend Conveniently Out of Town." News at eleven...what a frickin saint.

catholic university? That doesn't make sense. Catholics are complete dumbasses and know nothing about logic

sisterjack and sagejock, Have you considered that he might have strong feelings towards the poster DESPITE her not putting out enough? That might explain why he hasn't dumped her ass yet. But a man has his needs... so his girl is away, he's probably drunk and runs into some loose broad... then hides it because he still prefers the girl who does NOT put out enough. I am not trying to excuse him, I'm just speculating on possible reasons. Leastways this is the only remotely credible scenario in which I myself might end up cheating, so it seems the most logical for me.

I agree with #20, I'm all for dumping him, but at least get the facts straight first. Are you sure the dates correct, both on your part and the office's? Is the date of the citation actually the date of incidence?

ionelementz112 0

Just have your boyfriend take a quick trip to the confessional, everything will be okay afterwards.

Confucious say: "She who does not put out, will soon be replaced by someone who will."

i agree with #27. that sucks though. i would ask him. as people have been saying, it really could be anything but you never know. if your gut tells you he is lying he more then likely is.

resawins 0

ouch. what a dick! sorry you had to find out that way. i hope you dumped his sorry ass!! good luck.

#23: I'm not disagreeing with you. Men have needs, so do women. I don't think there is anything wrong with someone dumping their significant other because of the absence of sex. If you actually read my post, you'd see my annoyance was more with the fact that someone decided that the word 'misogyny' was constrained to 'hatred of women'.

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