Caught in 404pp

By danggit3290 - 03/05/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, I was masturbating in the dark with the door open. I thought I saw a figure outside my door, because I didn't have my glasses on. After intensely staring at the dark figure for about a minute, thinking it was my imagination, my stepdad said, "You know, I'm looking RIGHT at you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 030
You deserved it 89 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not closing the door. On the other hand, FYL for having a stepdad who would stare at you while you're masturbating instead of, I dunno, walking away.


squeaksx24 0

Lmfaoooooooo. That sucks. Just one question.. why didn't your stepdad just leave, why did he just stay and watch? Creeeeeepy.

AnaMaree 0

lol why didnt ur stepdad move? He's a pedophile

Who masturbates with their door open? You're a moron!

So you masturbated to your stepdad?

jewelzgalore 0

Your life is ****** because you're such a sad, sad person

coffeennicotine 0

You deserve it for being too lazy to close the door. But also, it's ****** up that he was watching. But seriously, close the ******* door.

mk1o3o 0
sickofnames 0

Bad for both of you. Hes going to think youre jacking off to him and hes probably going to tell your mom what a pervert you are. Also, wtf is wrong with him, why is he staring at you? Pedo.

LOLOL so you were pretty much jerking off to your stepdad? LMFAO.