Caught in 404pp

By danggit3290 - 03/05/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, I was masturbating in the dark with the door open. I thought I saw a figure outside my door, because I didn't have my glasses on. After intensely staring at the dark figure for about a minute, thinking it was my imagination, my stepdad said, "You know, I'm looking RIGHT at you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 035
You deserved it 89 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not closing the door. On the other hand, FYL for having a stepdad who would stare at you while you're masturbating instead of, I dunno, walking away.


this is one of the weirdest posts i've read on this site

#43, while i agree that OP should at least close his/her door, some people don't have locks on their door. I'm 15 and my parents don't let me have a lock, though i've asked many times. but still, if you think you see someone, maybe you should stop and check?

dr_house_MD 0
skitz 0

man, this one made me lol.. who leaves the door open!

That's actually really creepy of your stepdad!!

lmaoscrubs 0

hhahhahaha you close the door for a reason dumbass

jorygirly 0

you're a dumbass for leaving the door open, even masturbating while people are in the house. oh, and your stepdads a perv

vag_fml 0

I call shenanigans. You didn't know he was home with you? And if you didn't...the door was open, why didn't you hear someone come in? TOTAL B.S.