Caught in 404pp

By danggit3290 - 03/05/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, I was masturbating in the dark with the door open. I thought I saw a figure outside my door, because I didn't have my glasses on. After intensely staring at the dark figure for about a minute, thinking it was my imagination, my stepdad said, "You know, I'm looking RIGHT at you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 030
You deserved it 89 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not closing the door. On the other hand, FYL for having a stepdad who would stare at you while you're masturbating instead of, I dunno, walking away.


xanth 0

...I don't even know where to start

ahaha, yeah.. even if the house was empty i'd close the door

purupuru 1

Ok, way to not close the door idiot and... WHY DID HE KEEP WATCHING?!! WTFFF?!!!

80sinthe90s 0

Why do people always say that masturbation is normal?! Just wait until you have sex! And why the hell would you ever do it with the door wide open?! YDI

awillowcabin 0

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, that is hilarious. But man close that damn door, especially if you're living with people. ESPECIALLY if said people are your parents. Jesus.

That's so creepy. I'd stay away from him.

Close and lock your door Einstein!