
By anonymous - 20/11/2015 19:07 - United States

Today, my ex got arrested for stealing. His new girlfriend texted me asking if I could lend her money to bail him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 419
You deserved it 1 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her a nickel and tell her not to spend it all in one place.

Either she is really brave or really ******* stupid. Fyl op.


I'd be "Bwhahahahaha as if" click. Some people have a lot of nerve.

lol, I imagined a woman laughing like that.

This doesn't sound like an FML, he's not your boyfriend anymore.. it's not your problem. You're not obligated to give them anything. If I were you I'd laugh my ass off and not worry about it.

That is honestly one of the stupidest questions I can fathom...

Hopefully you told her that he is no longer your problem.

wow thats just stupid to ask you for the money ,hes her problem now not yours.better yet why doesnt he ask his family for money instead .if i was you id tell her to delete your number off both of their phones and never contact you again.

Probably typed the wrong number because only a idiot would actually think that an ex would bail them out of jail