
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


where are you from? hope you're not from the west coast. DON'T TRASH CALIFORNIA! Especially with your butts and the excessively dry weather and major drought... --- #174-Smoking is the number one contributor to lung cancer, which is also the most preventable cancer out there. If people stopped smoking, there would be a drastic drop in lung cancer cases. And a lot of lung cancer cases, are in operable, casuing a slow and painful death. I know genes can play a role in cancer developement, and so can the sun, but once again, smoking is the leading cause of death in the U.S., not suicides, not AIDS, car accidents; smoking is.

you ******* deserved it for smoking, dipshit! but hey it's not a crime. not like you meant it.

You are a fool and most importantly a smoker, thus no one will respect you because you choose to do the most selfish habit a human can partake in. You are killing yourself and murdering those around you. YDI, stop smoking ass clown.

funnyyy 0

#178 i ******* did and said you were ******** on littering which has NOTHING to do with smoking. so how about you shut the **** up and stop trying to act cool by calling me a retard because really, you make no ******* sense by saying that i didn't understand you and you didn't even backup what you said since i was ******* right about you saying it was littering that was wrong. #179-smoking is selfish.? really.? i would looooove to know how because when most people see smoke they can just walk away from it..not that ******* hard. the people are most likely only harming themselves and to get killed from second hand smoke you have to be around people smoking ALLLL the time.

funnyyy 0

#178 i ******* did and said you were ******** on littering which has NOTHING to do with smoking. so how about you shut the **** up and stop trying to act cool by calling me a retard because really, you make no ******* sense by saying that i didn't understand you and you didn't even backup what you said since i was ******* right about you saying it was littering that was wrong. #179-smoking is selfish.? really.? i would looooove to know how because when most people see smoke they can just walk away from it..not that ******* hard. the people are most likely only harming themselves and to get killed from second hand smoke you have to be around people smoking ALLLL the time.

funnyyy 0

#178 i ******* did and said you were ******** on littering which has NOTHING to do with smoking. so how about you shut the **** up and stop trying to act cool by calling me a retard because really, you make no ******* sense by saying that i didn't understand you and you didn't even backup what you said since i was ******* right about you saying it was littering that was wrong. #179-smoking is selfish.? really.? i would looooove to know how because when most people see smoke they can just walk away from it..not that ******* hard. the people are most likely only harming themselves and to get killed from second hand smoke you have to be around people smoking ALLLL the time.

#181/182/183-OBVIOUSLY YOU ARE RETARDED BECAUSE YOU CAN'T POST ONCE. Dumbshit, did you get a little click happy? And secondhand smoke kills, end of discussion. STFU.

my step dad did that..twice. had to go to court and do community service both times. haha!

funnyyy 0

ya but you have to be around it a lottttt to get killed from it and my computers ****** it posts things twice this is my friends. my mom used to work with someone every single day who would smoke in the office with her and she never died from that so obviously it takes a lot to actually get killed from secondhand smoke. and i don't smoke i did before a little but now i don't so don't go saying shit that i smoke and that's why i'm defdending it cause i don't i haven't even smoked two whole packs so no i wasn't addicted to it either.