
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


devildog_angel23 0

That's why you don't litter.

Unless you were on also high drugs, you knew when you flicked the butt out the window that there was someone coming the other way. YDI

i can't belive you throught the but out of you car! put it in the ash tray!

Just ONE of the many disadvantages of -- and YDI for -- being a smoker.

funnyyy 0

everyones such ****** faggots for saying that cause this person smokes. shut the **** up lots of people do and they dont deserve it just cause they smoke.

First, # 150, you are an idiot and you need a lesson in grammar. Second, that is what you use the ashtray. Hahaha.

#150-Everyone who is saying YDI for smoking is sick of inhaling secondhand smoke from smokers. It's ******* annoying. They do deserve it for not looking before they litter, but for littering in the first place. The butt could have started a fire, and since many places are currently in droughts, not a genius move. I'm sick of smokers thinking they can throw their garbage anywhere so birds and other animals can eat those butts and get sick.