
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


paks7 0

i could care less if you smoke in private...plenty of the posters on here are right-its your body, do what you want. but when youre in public it sucks walking behind people who smoke. and no you cant always walk away from it. on my college campus literally every other person is a smoker-good luck getting away from that. i bet you didn't know that secondhand smoke kills more people than actually smoking does (before anyone attacks me-im not 100% sure of this statistic but either way you're still killing others) so thanks for killing a bunch of innocent people

funnyyy 0

#153 and 154-they deserve it for littering then NOT for smoking. and if it's in their car then no one's inhaling second hand smoke. #156-i'm not attacking you i know you're not sure if it's true but that mostt likely isn't unless someones with people who smoke constantley.

jordan161616 0

me and my sister got pulled over for throwing two butts out the window

and if it's in their car then no one's inhaling second hand smoke. BULL SHIT. Where the **** do you think the smoke goes, it just dissapears? -- And I agree with #156. Second hand smoke kills more people than the acutal smokers. Don't believe it? You might want to go sign up for a health class.

So, to all those defending smoking, here's some stats for ya from the Mayo Clinic. Smoking kills over 440,000 people a year in the United States ALONE, more than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined COMBINED. It is the NUMBER ONE PREVENTABLE cause of death. So, you deserve it for smoking. Yes, it's your choice. It's still a horrible one. But hey I'm with you, I'd rather never get to see my grandkids either......

testing_fml 0

Haha, smokers for the loss. I hope he kicked your ass up and down the street.

See, this is how fires start and people lose their homes. Feel proud? YDI.

For anyone that says FYL for smoking- grow a dick.

not really sure how that last comment was relevant? i mean sure, saying that he deserves it causes your penis to get smaller, even disappear...everyone knows that..... wait is that not right? I'm gonna go look that up real quick.....