
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


You don't need to be around the smoke constantly to receive damage. As soon as smoke enters your lungs, bronchi are dying.

funnyyy 0

ya but it wont ******* kill you unless there's a lot of it which means you have to be around it a lot.

Don't smoke dumbass!!! U deserv it u idiot

Send me the cop's name so I can send him fan mail. I ******* hate you people who throw fags out the window. ********.

antonioohama 0

YDI for smoking in your car by a cop. YDI for smoking in your car. YDI for smoking by a cop. YDI for smoking. Get a life, stupid. They're in the Get Real section of your local supermarket, next to the clues.

i'm not going to lecture you for smoking, that's just stupid. However i do think your a filthy litterbug.

Lurstack 0

Dude!!! Props to you!!! Hopefully that **** got in a wreck and died!!!!

lalagirl912 0

everybody you don't know how old OP is!! they may be in their 50s and started to smaoke back then!! back then they didn't know that they where bad! so no more YDI for smoking! it's not their fault mos of the time!! -.-" and another OP could have kids so they put down the window so that they don't hurt the kids as much!! and if theyhate smoking (you idiots don't know how hard it is to stop once you've started!!) they maybe trying to get as less of the smoke they can!!!!! and last the smoke barely ever gets you unless you really close to them! -.- it really bothers me how all these people are calling OP a jerk because my mom smokes (trying to quite for a long time now) and is far from a jerk, smoking doesn't turn people into jerks! my mom would never hurt anybody or anything meaning to, she does what ever she can do to help people she doesn't even know! and she has alot of other problems too! but still tries to help but then ends up in the hostpital when she does help! but she still does it to be nice! she is a smoker and a great person! I hate people like you all your the type that I think should die a horrible painful death and go to hell, jerks! -.-" don't know what your talking about and likely selfish by the way you act! STFU AND DIE!

KineTicKonTact 0

Next time watch out ;), but that was pure chance so FYL OP :)

should have screamed out the window " BULLS-EYE BITCH" hahahaha