
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


That's what ya get for being a littering asshole

christopherlove 0

Fail. You of course deserve whatever ticket/fine you received.

lol....i did that once... with a joint!

I hope you got a fine of some sort. But we can't all understand how ashtrays work, I suppose.

Seeing people throw cigarette butts out their windows is my number one pet peeve... Especially when I'm on a motorcycle. You ******* deserved that one.

***IDOUBTIT*** When u got the information from the Mayo Clinic, did they also tell you that their findings were from subjects that lived in a plastic box that they were able to observe 24hours a day? That the subjects lived in a controlled enviroment? NO? Hmm, well then, you have no factual proof that smoking kills 440,000 people a year. The air you breathe, the foods you eat, the clothes you wear, the water you drink all cause cancer. Also, right now, I am living in Japan, where a high precentage of the people smoke. They live to be in their late 80's and on. I am SURE they have seen their GRANDCHILDREN and GREATGRANDCHILDREN.

First of all #172, it's been reported in all sorts of documents that smoking does kill hundreds of thousands of people a year, perhaps you should go enroll in a health class. Or even visit a anti-smoking website. And maybe the people in Japan live to their 80's because the food they eat? Have you not seen how healthy their dishes are??? Lot's of rice and vegetables, and lean meats=good for your health.

Those reports also just look at the fact the person was a smoker and blames their death on smoking. My point was that its not just smoking that kills people. There are other factors. I know smoking contributes to many health problems, but smoking alone cannot be blamed. There are other enviromental reasons for someone to end up with cancer. Hell, even your Genes play a role! So, if all smokers start eating healthy, they can live to be that old? Wow. Wish it were that simple!!!

where are you from? hope you're not from the west coast. DON'T TRASH CALIFORNIA!