
By FMLTIMESTWO - 10/06/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, I found a dead bird on my windshield. Thinking I was clever, I turned on my windshield wipers to get the bird off. Unfortunately, the dead bird fell through my open window and onto my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 557
You deserved it 61 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even dead animals deserve respect. YDI for being disrespectful, and obviously not as clever as you thought.

KwitIt 0

I'm surprised it didn't just smear dead bird all over your windshield. Gross. You got kinda lucky.


Why would OP want to touch a dead bird? Would you?? They probably had nothing in their car to wash their hands off with. That's gross OP, FYL.

Guitarist45 0

huh?????? explain yourself, then learn to write

how does that work? theres no openings for it to go from your windshield to your lap

Were you driving when you "discovered" this bird? I can't see windshield wipers causing something small and meaty to fall in an open window while stationary. If you were driving, you're really slow at noticing things.

the science doesnt make sense unless you were moving at a fast speed then made a turn...but then even the weight of it...ehh.. i call this bullshit

people use dead birds for witch craft/voodoo :D hahaha maybe you should be careful

31 I'm studying physics and if the wind wa to his window or a possible left turn could cause this, and a high speed wouldn't neccesarily cause a bounce, but I call bs cuz it's impossible with the speeds and wind involved