By Anonymous - 23/07/2012 07:35 - Canada - Brampton
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 02/04/2012 02:25 - United States - Binghamton
By FMLTIMESTWO - 10/06/2009 04:36 - United States
By mhmohyeah - 10/11/2009 23:05 - United States
By craphanded - 19/07/2011 17:45 - United Kingdom
By andrea99 - 03/10/2010 09:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 15:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/11/2018 13:30
By Tom - 15/06/2009 10:07 - Israel
The bird
By Mariah Barnes - 24/07/2020 08:01
By bouda - 15/05/2011 18:19 - France
Top comments
That's disgusting >_
Hillarious comment man
When I mow, I can see grasshoppers and butterflies in the grass. How do you even manage to run over a bird?
It's fairly easy to run over animals since most of them tend to have the same reaction to an oncoming lawn mower, run aimlessly in circles, then freeze and forget that they have the power to get out of the way. They usually manage to run right into the mower as well for some reason. I always feel horrible when that happens.
69-Avoid the tall grass. In this case OP got into a bit of a scuffle with Pidgey and won.
The grasshoppers always seem to jump right in front of the lawnmower. It must suck being a bug if they all want to kill themselves.
Youre stupid its wings were crushed
A horrible decision to make :/
This could be a horror movie... Or a game. Angry, zombie birds.
Why don't you work for Rovio yet!? XD
Zombies make everything better
That bird's soul will return to haunt every living moment of OP's life.
I can't believe the bird didn't fly away :o
Things with crushed wings cannot fly.
In that case, I bow out. I had assumed they meant after the first time.
The bird was playing bird Jackass and didn't move in enough time.
Ever seen a green bird in Canada/ someone's back yard?
You have obviously never seen the ducks in my city, who completely ignore even the largest SUV's as they slowly amble across the road.
We had a deal!!!
At least it's in bird heaven now
You have to be dead to become a saint.
There's no heaven, sorry bud.
An American bulldog in Australia? Now THAT is heresy.
It's like how we have German shepherds in the U.S, Doc.
What about chipmunk heaven? No one cares about the chipmunks!
83 is a kill joy
How do people not know perdix by now? Jeesh, I enjoyed his humor, thank you
Birds are always flying near the clouds anyways. I imagine they find their heaven rather unoriginal and nothing new.
Dude, you need to learn how to take a joke, it's not offensive in the least bit.
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Show it anywaySo tell us how you would have done it that wouldn't be as "weird" as how op did it.
Break its neck, maybe? Hit it very hard with something? Not make the poor thing into a shredded tweet joke.
So your going to stop what your doing to get a hammer and smash the brains out of it instead of just continuing mowing the lawn and ending it
I find it hard to believe there are more people who would rather be put out of their misery in a blender than wait ten seconds for a knock on the head.
You all assume it was guaranteed that mowing it again would be successful. I think they were simply pointing out that the amount of pain suffered from a lawn mower would be much higher than a blunt object to the head. It was a shitty situation either way - I don't think there was a move you could have pulled that wouldn't be horrible.
I woulda ozzy osborned it.
159, It didn't do it the first time apparently, how do you know it won't just take off a wing or something this time?
That's a horrible way to go for that bird. It made me sick to my stomach.
It might not be to humane but it's better then leaving it to attacked by insects and slowly bleed out.
I'm guessing 6 meant being mowed over in the first place. Moving over it a second time, as gruesome as it is, probably was the best option in this scenario.
Indeed! I'm a golf course superintendent. One of my operators was run over by a rotary mower. He lost half of his foot.. It was absolutely horrifying. P.S. Most homeowners lawn mower blades aren't even sharp. The poor bird was most likely beat to death and torn apart by a blunt object spinning at a couple thousand RPMs. Ouch. P.P.S. No, we didn't run him over and finish him off......
Mmm... rectal curry surprise.
Youre right
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Show it anywayUNICEF is for deprived and starving people, not animals. I don't know how that comment relates...
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Show it anywayI think it sucks more for the bird, actually.
Ouch! At least you didn't let the bird suffer for too long.
Creepy... I litterarly JUST saw a picture of a dead bird right before reading this FML! It wasn't crushed into pieces, though... That must be uncomfortable. :/ It sounds barbaric, but you did the right thing. If you hadn't killed it, it would suffer, then die anyway.

This could be a horror movie... Or a game. Angry, zombie birds.
I can't believe the bird didn't fly away :o