
By FMLTIMESTWO - 10/06/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, I found a dead bird on my windshield. Thinking I was clever, I turned on my windshield wipers to get the bird off. Unfortunately, the dead bird fell through my open window and onto my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 557
You deserved it 61 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even dead animals deserve respect. YDI for being disrespectful, and obviously not as clever as you thought.

KwitIt 0

I'm surprised it didn't just smear dead bird all over your windshield. Gross. You got kinda lucky.


"If you're comfortable eating a burger, you should be able to deal with something that died of natural causes." Actually, in theory, this is completely untrue. You see, a hamburger holds no resemblance to its previously slaughtered state. So, please take your failed PETA logic somewhere else. kthnx. And, I too try to avoid rolling over roadkill; it's such a pain cleaning mushed guts and skin/fur/feather from the nooks on the car tires.

commenter2 0

haha i just actually laughed at that. thanks for your stupidness.

#98 Just because it doesnt look like a whole cow does mean it aint a dead cow! And for the roadkill comment, I'm going to find your grave when you die and poop on it. And before you try being all smarmy again - I'm neither vegetarian or a peta activist. So go shove that up your preconcieved stereotypes!

Well. . . this thread got out of hand. Anyways, I was expecting the post to say you smeared blood all over your windshield, that would have sucked even more.

breedizzles 0

hahahahahahhahahahahaha that sucks XD

yumyumshisha 0

Eh, not really an FML. Just throw it out the window. I don't see how it would have gone through the driver's seat window though.

Wow so fake.. There's no way it would go in through your window when you turned on your windshield whipers. The only way it might of happened would be if you were driving at high speeds which you were clearly not doing.

Well hang on there. If th bird was in the middle-bottom of the windsheild, the wipers probably carried them to one of the top corners of the windshield. If it fell straight down, some cars are slightly curved outwards on the sides, it could have fallen through the window, and onto his lap.

bloodrite 0