
By FMLTIMESTWO - 10/06/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, I found a dead bird on my windshield. Thinking I was clever, I turned on my windshield wipers to get the bird off. Unfortunately, the dead bird fell through my open window and onto my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 557
You deserved it 61 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even dead animals deserve respect. YDI for being disrespectful, and obviously not as clever as you thought.

KwitIt 0

I'm surprised it didn't just smear dead bird all over your windshield. Gross. You got kinda lucky.


Pandora_NoBox 0

Wow, that sucks! That's pretty gross. I think I would have cried FYL

#82 Seriously? Yep. I guess caring for animals is just some government conspiracy to earn more taxes, or something. Right? And by the way everyone, it's pretty pathetic if you're letting your cat kill your native wildlife. Its because of people like you that we're heading towards having rats and pigeons for wildlife and not much else. FML for being on a planet with ignorant arrogant idiots.

wtff. that's so fake, how could your windshield wipers magically project a bird into your car? like backwards? and at the same time, who finds a dead bird on the windshield, walks up, gets in the car, rolls down the windows then turns on the windshield wipers? yeah, right

#89, you realize that pigeons and rats are exactly what the cats are eating, right?

Sorry #91, but I think you'll find cats are eating more than that. Where I live, practically no native animals are left because of stupid people and their cats. Now all they have LEFT is the rats and pigeons.

Hahahahaha. That's totally something I would do, too =(

#75 is right, especially about the fact that there's no way the bird could've been pushed to the side and then backwards, through the window. unless he was going incredibly fast, which is retarded coz it sounds like he found it before he started the car. doesn't make sense at all.

caitoLo 0

did a hurricane pass through as soon a you turned your windshield wipers on? or is gravity just not on your side today?