Communication breakdown

By Jen - 20/03/2012 05:11 - United States - Woodland Hills

Today, my new boyfriend asked why it takes me so long to reach orgasm. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he's never even given me one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 983
You deserved it 7 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dgmesa 4

quit leaving it up 2 him....only u know what u like so tell him what he needs 2 do


muffinXmonster 12

I had this whole thing written out.. then my phone ate it. thanks, buggy app. anyway... do yourself and him a huge favor: be honest. it'll be best for you both in the long run. I can't help but feel, btw, that those saying no orgasms are okay and relationships aren't about sex either have the same problem, have bad sex, or none at all. sex is a crucial part of any relationship, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. so talk to him before it becomes a bigger problem... the longer you wait the harder it'll be. my .02.

MissHayleyJames 7

...or are different than you maybe? Sex might be a priority to you but it's not to everyone. I wouldn't leave my husband over sex. I didn't marry him for sex. Sex is only a small part of a relationship. You can have great sex with just about anyone but you can't have everything else that a relationship entails with just anyone. And my husband and I do have amazing sex, by the way. We both agree though that sex is not the most important thing in our marriage. Not even close.

simplylost643 0

#62 You may not ever consider leaving your husband over sex, but I can assure you, he would. Any man who says otherwise is blowing smoke up your rear. I love my wife very much, and would give her the world if I could, she asks and I provide. That being said, if she decided one day that sex just isn't important, she'd be attempting to explaining it to her new husband. If there's no medical and/or other debilitating reason that sex became unimportant for her, then we got a problem. A man may choose to stay with a woman for other reasons, but he consented to starting the relationship because he was attracted to her, ergo wanted sex. To say it's unimportant to a man is the equivalent of castrating right there.

MissHayleyJames 7

Wow I don't even know where to start. First of all, not all men are blinded by testosterone. Only about 50% of men have a super high sex drive like that, and only 50% of women have the super low sex drive. It's pretty balanced. People have different needs, men and women alike. Sex is a low priority to me, and while it is a higher priority for my husband than it is for me, it's not the most important thing. We've had conversations about it because I do have a low sex drive and if it were to become nonexistent he's not going to leave. Another point. Not all relationships start because a guy sees an attractive woman and wants to have sex with her. I met my husband on so sex wasn't even in the equation. We didn't start dating because he saw me and wanted to have sex with me. We started dating because our personalities matched and we each had qualities that the other person was looking for. In my opinion if someone is willing to leave their spouse over something like sex, then they don't truly love them. You were given hands for a reason. If you're that horny, use them.

81 - I think you need to stop knocking down women who like to ********** and men's natural drive for sex, and even women who spend money that they earn/jointly put in an account. If you don't ********** and your hubby didn't want to have sex with you when you first met, thats your life. If you like to live life that way, it's cool. Don't come in here like its universal law/fact that your life is the way it should be. You're coming off really condescending, arrogant, and backwards-thinking especially since men do often like sex and think about sex with a girl they just met and a lot of women like to explore their bodies. "we have great sex and I don't ********** or spend ostentatious amounts of joint money" c'mon now. Relax with your judgmental comments. Let's just hug it out and call it a day :)

dominic1221 6

62 is totally right and 71 is just being a misogynistic ass. MissHayleyJames, don't worry, we're not all adolescent, sex crazed idiots like these guys. You're just on FML, so you've gotta expect the worst of humanity to gather together like this. Sure, if you cut off sex just like that without fair warning, that'll rightfully be an issue, but this simplylost kid is basically saying women and girlfriends are meant for sex first and their person second. That's just pathetic, but sadly there's plenty of self-loathing girls out there who'll degrade themselves by associating with people like him. Yeah, I know all the dickless children will thumb us into hell, but that's just them not being able to admit they can't control themselves like real men do. Like 62 said, if a 3 second ****** followed by cumming all over yourself is so important, do what you do when you're single: jack off. Otherwise, show some respect to your women and communicate and understand, not demand and dump. Oh, and the guy who called her a feminist? Grow up. It's not a matter of feminism, it's a matter of being a decent person.

MissHayleyJames 7

Oh here we go with Yamster's crap on evolution again. If you want to be narrow-minded and no better than a dumb animal, then fine, but don't put down people that hold themselves and others to a higher standard than that. Maybe we should put you in a cage like other animals too since you insist on acting like one. Couples don't stay married 50+ years if men were designed to be polygamous. As for the statistics, John Gottman is a reknowned marital psychiatrist who's done numerous studies on different aspects of marriage and relationships. His studies have found that it's a pretty even split between men and women and who has a higher sex drive. So I'm not pulling random statistics out of my ass. I'm quoting statistics from a qualified individual that did several 20 year studies.

MissHayleyJames 7

I should also add that if men were biologically programmed to want to screw any woman in order to continue the species, considering how long it's been since there's been any threat of our species dying out shouldn't men have evolved away from that now? I mean, isn't the basis of evolution pretty much adapting to your surroundings and whatnot and passing that on? Seems to me if evolution acts the way textbooks say it should that men would have evolved away from being sex-crazed animals after all these years since there's no need to be.

MissHayleyJames 7

Well you can believe your science that is ever changing and contradicting itself if you want. That's fine. Sure we're technically animals but we are superior to the rest of animals. If we weren't, we wouldn't be the ones running the planet. The theory of evolution has more holes in it than swiss cheese so believe what you like. Like I said, if you want to behave like a dumb animal I have no problem locking you in a cage to live like them. If you want to act like you can't control your hormones or be a moral human being than there's just more proof of this world going to shit. Like they say, you can't fix stupid. And unfortunately for us, we can't try to get it out of the gene pool so it's only going to get worse.

MissHayleyJames 7

Science in general is full of holes. Theories are just that: theories. Meaning what scientists "think" to be true but they're not 100% sure. Science contradicts itself left and right. Big Bang (which is just moronic) contradicts the law of conservation of mass completely. Scientists are just reaching too far and some of the theories they come up with are just ridiculous. They need to stick to the hands on what we can see and do right this very second kind of stuff. And let's not start the stupid argument of science vs. religion. That's like arguing with a brick wall. The mods would just delete it all anyway. If they wouldn't I'd be glad to try and help you even though the attempt would most likely be futile. One thing unrelated to that I would like to point out. You can easily train male animals of many species to control their hormones and not act like idiots and do their jobs. So why is it that human men seem to be dumber than that? Humans are getting dumber and dumber so I guess it should be no surprise. I just have some hope left for humanity because of the few decent people left but give it 50 years and they'll all be gone. I would also hardly call your opinion "unbiased". No opinions on what people believe or believe against are unbiased. It's obvious you're biased against religion, therefore you have a bias. What's logical to me isn't logical to you and vice versa so of course we each have a bias.

EvilDave 13

Um, no, you ignorant git. If your knowledge about science comes from your preacher, you really shouldn't be spouting off about it.

MissHayleyJames 7

My knowledge of science doesn't come from a preacher. It's the countless science classes I took in high school and college. I don't even go to church so that's not relevant anyway. The idea that we are related to fish or that genetics has nothing to do with temperament is just ridiculous. Science can only do so much before it just becomes absurd.

Don't ask me how to please a woman, but gays often have 'intimacy issues' at first... only way to solve them is to speak up! If someone suffers in silence, they have only themselves to blame.

barbar91 0

I have that same exact problem with my boyfriend of a year & 6 months.

Have you tried actually talking to him about it? If not, you deserve it.

If you can't/won't communicate to him what will bring to ****** then YDI!

DSfriscoe 2

sex is the greatest expression of love. therefore in a committed relationship, it is important, and should be embraced.

Aww man, been there. Help him out, you know your body a lot better than he does.

I can't tell from the fml whether you fake your orgasms or your boyfriend is clueless as to what a female ****** is like or both. Either way, if you don't give him a few pointers, he'll probably never manage to give you one.

dessyrae 0

No fake it!! Make him give it to you the real way. Trust me foreplay and oral is the best way to start off.

silentblack 0

That's like a waste of both of y'all time if you don't have an ******. My motto is please the woman first then the man. U need to find somebody else. Sex money and communication is the key for a good relationship.

"Sex, money, and communication is the key for a good relationship."'re f'n brilliant.