Compassion? Pah!

By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 18:59 - United States

Today, my boyfriend woke up to me crying. He asked what was wrong, but before I could answer, he'd already rolled over and started snoring louder than ever, making the migraine I was crying about even worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 976
You deserved it 6 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then you have never had a real migraine. Hate to be the one to break it to you. A real migraine can put you in the emergency room for something to knock you out. A real migraine will make you throw up worse than a stomach virus. So take your little hot cloth and sleep on it, some people have the real thing.

You could always give him one of those *smack!* "Oh honey, you're awake"


My migraines are heinous, but I've never had one to the point where I've cried, that really sucks OP. Next time wake him up again, or just go sleep in the living room or wherever it's at least quieter.

fthku 13

That actually sounds like a parody. "Hey, what's wron-SNORE". I guess it's possible if he just woke up, still seems weird. FYL for having migraines.

My husband can fall asleep mid-sentence and "what's wro--snore" is about what happened when I woke him up to tell him I was having contractions. OP, it's not that your bf doesn't care but it's hard to wake up for some people to wake up and switch right into caregiver mode. Crying would make my migraines much worse. Try to find a cool, quiet, dark place next time.

bthomas0319 2
bthomas0319 2

Of course you'd know, wouldn't you?

Of course you'd know, wouldn't you?

He deserves a nice prank. :) It would make you feel better, at least.

I hate those so much. I used to get them all the time.

You don't get migraines, do you? If you do, you apparently aren't one of those people whose migraines no longer respond to pain meds. I speak from experience.

Karirecord 0

I actually have had migraines that have caused me to not be able to read or put words together to make sentences vocally. Numbness in the face

See a doctor, your probably dying of a malignant brain tumor! PS (not kidding)