Compassion? Pah!

By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 18:59 - United States

Today, my boyfriend woke up to me crying. He asked what was wrong, but before I could answer, he'd already rolled over and started snoring louder than ever, making the migraine I was crying about even worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 976
You deserved it 6 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then you have never had a real migraine. Hate to be the one to break it to you. A real migraine can put you in the emergency room for something to knock you out. A real migraine will make you throw up worse than a stomach virus. So take your little hot cloth and sleep on it, some people have the real thing.

You could always give him one of those *smack!* "Oh honey, you're awake"


oh man I'm so sorry. I really feel your pain :(

sallen0046 4

If you don't have a prescription strength migraine medication, you really need to get one. You can get a prescription fairly cheaply at any urgent care clinic. As far as the boyfriend goes, surely you were capable of waking him up and asking him to sleep in a position that doesn't result in snoring, or asking him to sleep elsewhere.

Though I agree people should get some doctor meds to see if it will work, but I've gone to doctors about my migraines and all I get is overpriced meds that don't do a damn thing. I feel like i'm immune to medication cause nothing ever works. :(

look into medicinal cannabis. it helps more than people realize.

lindseytaylor201 0

I know u pain OP. I use to get them from when I was about 7-11 years old to the point where I was screaming my head off begging for it to stop. thank god I don't get them anymore it was sooo painful. 

briidontgive_ 0

Sorry opp , ii get migraines so I understand . Butt I understand your boyfriend too becass when I'm tiredd I mean u kan be dying andd and ill sleep thruu it all . Sorry haha maybe that's alil dramatic but I loooveee sleep , aha ur bf was prolly sleep talkinn

horseracingjocey 0

maybe OP is allergic to pain meds. I actually know quite a few people who cannot take any type of pain killers. Also, OTC drugs will not help a migraine. it takes something much stronger to help usually.

I've heard one of the best ways to cure a migraine is by having an ******. Jump his bones and give it a try! (:

bridawg 0

the weird thing is is that I heard that too. on the radio...

forgotten_addict 1

I feel your pain. I get headaches seriously everyday, and migraines 2-4 times a week. Its awful and I have been to the ER for it a few times... So fyl indeed and your bf is a jackass...


ydi for crying over a migrane

ozonethegreat 1