Cool beans

By oopsiecoffee - 09/04/2009 06:40 - Canada

Today, I went into a small coffee shop. In line, a guy came up to me and was like, "I haven't seen you here before, are you new in town?" and I replied with, "Oh, no I've lived here for years. The coffee here is crap, though, so I only come here when Starbucks is full." He's the owner of the shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 328
You deserved it 76 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, don't speak your mind to strangers, then, I guess.

Ninjahippy 0

Meh? At least he got some honest customer feedback.


AshleyBerrie 0

How is that an Fml? Waste of a read!

Well said if its true then say so. Don't matter who your talking to about anything.

Starbucks closed down here because no one liked their coffee it was poor quality

Didn't someone ever tell you not to talk to strangers?

semantics 3

As a shop owner I'd like to know my coffee was crap!