Cool beans

By oopsiecoffee - 09/04/2009 06:40 - Canada

Today, I went into a small coffee shop. In line, a guy came up to me and was like, "I haven't seen you here before, are you new in town?" and I replied with, "Oh, no I've lived here for years. The coffee here is crap, though, so I only come here when Starbucks is full." He's the owner of the shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 328
You deserved it 76 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, don't speak your mind to strangers, then, I guess.

Ninjahippy 0

Meh? At least he got some honest customer feedback.


doosher22 0

atta kid, atta kid, way to pay attention to the "uniform?" im guessin the owner would have some type of advertisement that he was in fact the owner

HAHAHAHA lol who cares?? Tell him to make better coffee!!

shadow_duv 0

careful who you talk to i guess...

Put_u_on_blast 0

That' s y you shouldn't spill the beans to people you barely know

Does it matter if it is the owner? It's just as offensive to any other employee.

Coffee worse than Starbucks'? What do they have in their filters? TopSoil?

poor taste. starbucks coffee is all about the picture on the cup.

1. Think before you speak 2. If you can't say something nice ... 3. If you truly prefer StarBucks over even one other brand on the planet, then YDI for having childish taste buds.

And apparently you do not have any.

starbucks sucks, you deserve a crap life! way to have crap coffee taste