Cool your boots

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, the guy I live with demanded that I get a job or start paying rent. It'd be perfectly reasonable, if he wasn't my husband, and if I hadn't just given birth to our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 6 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he won't be saying that if he went through labor.

Tell him that you have a job. Caring for a newborn. Also let him know that since it's his child he needs to pay back rent for the nine months your baby spent living inside you.


itcomesinthrees 10

What a prick. Unless "just given birth" is her twisting words and it was like a year ago.

I hope you didn't just put up with this after all you've gone through to carry and give birth to his child. How inconsiderate! Tell him to calm down and discuss together when you will work and if you will anytime soon (in your own time) because he clearly doesn't have a clue in more ways than one.

wtf thats not how a husband should be he should u give time

babyshaft408 8

Haha he wants to make sure you do not get comfortable. Nice move

I bet u are twisting his words to make him sound bad

rawlings123 17

I agree. Let's here his side.

Following that logic, you'd have to post this on just about every single FML here. You CAN'T hear his side. You have to take OP's word for it. Yes, that's a biased and relatively unreliable source but if you can't be flexible about it, there's really no point in being on this website.

Sounds like he didn't get the memo on what marriage is.

Somehow trying to imply that giving birth earns your keep? If you -just- gave birth, and he is bringing this up, it has been bugging him for awhile. And if you've gotten married, you should accept everything, including bills, are 50/50. Why should you be the one who gets to stay home with the child while he works? Considered maybe he wants to, as well? This sounds incredibly selfish of you.

So, if her husband, say, broke his leg and couldn't work, he's automatically useless in the relationship and is not holding up his end of the bargain? Damn, she just gave birth. I'm assuming it does awful things to your body, having to carry a child for nine months. It's not an "I was pregnant, so I deserve to be lazy" issue here; the fact is, her body has to recuperate from the sudden hormonal and physical changes, much in the way that the husband would have to take time to rest to let his arm heal properly. Things happen; people get sick and hurt, and I can only assume that this child was wanted. Cut the lady a break here.