Cool your boots

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, the guy I live with demanded that I get a job or start paying rent. It'd be perfectly reasonable, if he wasn't my husband, and if I hadn't just given birth to our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 6 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he won't be saying that if he went through labor.

Tell him that you have a job. Caring for a newborn. Also let him know that since it's his child he needs to pay back rent for the nine months your baby spent living inside you.


well apparently its your fault did not charge him for sitting ...nursing in the first place ..if you do then he will come to senses..sorry OP

pwnman 33

Uh, I feel like he will emotionally abuse you later on. Get help, please!

an3ph 20

Demanding? Not ok. Concern over making ends meet with only one parent working? Understandable. It might be that you really can't afford to not work. You have to look at the big picture. What you are qualified for, potential earnings, child care costs which are considerable, housing, etc. Do you have family to help or a neighbor - often cuts cost if they are available but many don't have these options. If you have family who'd help, maybe part time is an option? Many times it doesn't make sense for one partner to work given the high cost of child care. But if only one parent is working, cutting expenses is often necessary. (Hand me downs for clothes from friends plus baby equipment is helpful - never say no because this stuff adds up and kids outgrow things too quickly to make sense paying if you don't have to. What you need to do is work out a plan and put hard numbers and scenarios on the table. My guess is your partner is stressed and resentful. Since both I and my husband changed roles as needed as to who stayed home, we both know exactly how tough it is for either. And what it's like when you both work. You need to work together on this. Good luck!

skittyskatbrat 19

Not relevant. She gets 39 weeks of PAID maternity leave. So there is an income, and it's designed so that parents can be home with the baby (as they should be) after it's born. She's getting 90% of her regular pay. AND they have zero medical bills covering the cost of having the baby, too. There is no cash issue here. There is only an Asshole Issue.

Did he just hit puberty or what or is he on his period? How could he at that to you after what you have gone through for him?

skittyskatbrat 19

Um, there is paid maternity leave where you are. Unless it has been months, you are getting that. If not, you are getting unemployment. That's the norm in pretty much every country except the US! Sounds like he's either illogical and grumpy due to lack of sleep and his own changing hormones or you married a real lemon. Might be a great time to take a few weeks and go visit your parents (or his). And then he can explain to them why he said what he did...and the father/father-in-law can set him right.

What an asshole. I'd pack up my new baby and head to my parents or somewhere to not be around him for awhile. What a dick. Good luck.

Tell him to either hire a nanny or tell him that being a mother is your job!!

Recession hit him hard right up his ass. and he is so inconsiderate that he should appericiate that you gave him the biggest happiness. In this world