Cool your boots

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, the guy I live with demanded that I get a job or start paying rent. It'd be perfectly reasonable, if he wasn't my husband, and if I hadn't just given birth to our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 6 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he won't be saying that if he went through labor.

Tell him that you have a job. Caring for a newborn. Also let him know that since it's his child he needs to pay back rent for the nine months your baby spent living inside you.


Wow he needs to man up, he has a kid so he better take care if you and the child. You deserve every bit to be treated right

Take money from his account for rent payments...that should do it

justmeCee 16

Does he know how expensive daycare can get? You would most likely be working your ass off, missing your baby and his/her first milestones for what? To give your hard earned pay check to the daycare. Not to mention most daycares have age requirements and will send your kid home for 48 hours for things like eye boogies, runny noses due to teething, runny diapers. Pretty much everything, so you still will have to leave work, take time off, and pay for the kids daycare spot whether they are there or not. Speaking from experience.

Sounds like a real winner,.. I have a baby and wife and I work and take care if them both gladly. I work hard and yes we juggle things to make it work, but that's what a real man does.

OhNoAGhost 18

That's terrible. Congratulations on the child, though. That'll be a job of it's own!

Shandra78 9

Tell him, sure you will, if he's willing to stay home all day, feed the kid, change diapers, do laundry, cook, clean, do groceries, scrub toilets, wipe snotty noses, etc. etc. this is work my sister does for a living, and since it isn't her house or kid, she gets paid $30/hour plus time and a half for overtime beyond an 8 hour workday. She makes more than I do in my office clerk job. You could charge him for services rendered and pay him rent out of that if he isn't the traditionally useful type of husband.

maybe its just me but calling him the "guy I am living with" doesnt make this sound like a healthy relationship in the first place, married or not

The wording of the FML is usually the deciding factor in whether or not it's published. It gives it that "humorous" edge, although this FML isn't really all that funny. Just think, if the FML read "Today, my husband demanded I pay rent even though I just gave birth to our first child. FML." it probably never would've gotten published. Spend some time in the moderation section, it can be entertaining.

superdom 12

Tell him to **** off what an asshole

nastag 10

Give him the baby for a day. Tell him he has to feed it, change it's diapers, put it to sleep, etc. Hopefully that'll change his mind.

ummmm.... how can someone say something like this to thier spouse? that's just plain awful.