Cool your boots

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, the guy I live with demanded that I get a job or start paying rent. It'd be perfectly reasonable, if he wasn't my husband, and if I hadn't just given birth to our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 6 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he won't be saying that if he went through labor.

Tell him that you have a job. Caring for a newborn. Also let him know that since it's his child he needs to pay back rent for the nine months your baby spent living inside you.


I agree with #111, this FML is oddly worded with "get a job OR start paying rent" - Like you can't pay rent when you have a job? They aren't mutually exclusive.

Sorry about the husband, OP. If he's American, he may be having difficulty with the concept of maternity leave. If he's not, he may be suffering from New Dad Panic Syndrome. Get his mum to give him at least a verbal smack up the side of his head.

hopefully the child gets more of your personality traits. i hope it was just the stress of a new baby and bills to pay and he didn't actually mean it.

Women can be deceptive. "Just given birth" could be anywhere between 5 minutes ago and 6 weeks ago if not longer. I get that most women want to stay home with the baby, but so do the men. Some times you need to get a job to do basic things like live and being a stay at home mom isn't an option. Quite frankly, you and my ex wife would get along great. She's so self entitled to being a stay at home mom that she's pregnant with her new boyfriends kid and still expects me to pay all her bills so she doesn't have to work. You guys should hang out.

ileenefudge 29

You sound like an asshole. Every woman is different and we all heal differently. How do you know that 6 weeks after she isn't still in pain? It takes a long time to heal after having a child even if it isn't the natural way. Yes for some being a stay at home mom isn't a long term option but babies need to be with their mothers when they are first born if it's possible. It's a bonding thing. Your ex wife might want you to pay child support, which it sounds like you arn't to happy about. Poor baby you have to provide and support your child. I highly doubt she wants you to pay ALL of her bills if she has a new bf though. daycare is expensive so I understand why your ex and would want to stay home with the child. It doesn't make her self entitled though. I can see why OP wants to stay at home with the new born as well. And men can be just as deceptive as woman. Just saying.

Listen here you stupid ******* ****, I pay shit tons of child support. I had been giving her $3200 a month from September until March while she was "looking for a job". Now that it's "not up to" me if she gets one, the stupid bitch gets $700 a month and if she isn't employed by May first I'm suing her lazy ass for custody. Go **** yourself. I've provided 100% of my daughters financial needs since she was born 3 years ago, my ex needs to get a god damn job. It's not my job to support her since she left, just my daughter.

squideth 18

123 I think it's your nap time, kiddo, jeez.

Asking her to get a job isn't unreasonable if money is tight, but she does need time to heal after the baby is born before she can go back to life as usual. And no matter what the money situation is, expecting your wife to pay you rent to continue living in the house you share is just absurd. If you don't see a problem with that, that's probably why you're no longer married.

Maybe that stupid **** shouldn't have tried to call me out on child support. Everyone that bitches about giving their ex money isn't against supporting their kid. Some of us can't convince our ex that child support isn't alimony. It's not designed to support them it's designed to support the child and they need to get a job not just to support themselves but to pull their own weight on the things I simply can't afford. I drained my savings account trying to help her, why should i break myself further?

Demanding rent??? Or what, he kicks you and the newborn out of the house? "Get a job" is one thing (which I don't agree with, but there are women who have to get back out there before the baby is a month old). How did you share the bills before the baby? Didn't you two discuss your options at all over 9 months of pregnancy? What he's saying is unreasonable.

I think he's getting postpartum depression

Tell him you already have a job the most thankless one of all being a mother.