Cool your boots

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, the guy I live with demanded that I get a job or start paying rent. It'd be perfectly reasonable, if he wasn't my husband, and if I hadn't just given birth to our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 6 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he won't be saying that if he went through labor.

Tell him that you have a job. Caring for a newborn. Also let him know that since it's his child he needs to pay back rent for the nine months your baby spent living inside you.


Hey, how about you don't get a job because you just gave birth to the ******'s baby, and he'll divorce you, you'll take most of his shit, then you can still demand child support! Oh, he doesn't like that idea? Then tell him to grow the **** up.

I'm sorry, accidental down vote. I definitely agree with you!

So for a year he's been supporting you and dealing with your drama, even before that probably paid for majority if everything. now there's also a baby there and he wants you to start paying something... that's pretty reasonable so grow up your not the queen and he's not your servant. it's equal and mutual.

Was he kidding? Cause I'm assuming you already either pay rent or you have a mortgage.