Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


wikifoo 0

1. Call HR 2 . dress more appropriately

Men like boobs. What are ya gonna do?

curryndricegirll 0

I can't decide whether it's creepy or funny. It sounds to me like your boss was just kidding. Chances are, he's probably gay.

Kitty34_fml 0

I definately don't think this is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is UNWANTED sexual comments. If your **** are hanging out in a professional workplace, aren't you simply desperate for attention? Sorry, not to be rude, but come on. That's unprofessional. Cover up. There are so many styles of shirts that woman can choose from that look trendy and stylish and don't show your cleavage. You're not doing yourself any favours. Women in the workplace who have their cleavage hanging out are not respected and are not thought of to be intellectual and an asset to the company.

button up your shirt from now on and if he does it again report that scumbag to HR

I don't understand why you people are screaming that the Boss should be reported or sued for sexual harassment. It's a ******* compliment. It's not like he suggested that he would've promoted her in exchange for sexual favors, or he touched her body parts. Grow up. This is why many people no longer respect liberals, because liberals nowadays act as if they have a pineapple stuck up their ass. It's no big deal. I as a man have had my share of women complimenting me on my "junk" or my "ass" or even my arms, but you think I care? No, I just laugh it off and walk away. This is one of the biggest differences between men and women.

elsieenchanted 0

That is Sexual Harrassment. Not,"a complement." Due to the fact he's your boss, you might want to tell the owner or the company or something like that. That's really quite gross. And it would have been a complement if it was outside WORK and wasn't her boss. But not in work. It's sexual harassment. :| FYL.

Yeah, it's so nasty when you wear a dress that shows off your boobs... THEN PEOPLE ACTUALLY LOOK AT THEM! Stop wearing shirts and dresses that show off your cleavage then. YDI

its not harrasment. its not his fault she dresses like a ****.

thuryn 2

Yorioto / #318: The problem has mostly to do with people taking it too far. Right now, we're seeing the "cry wolf" backlash against what has been going on. Now, every little damned thing is reported, and it clogs up the system and makes every woman who complains look all whiny, ESPECIALLY considering the point that any outfit showing cleavage is not professional attire. As the HR person above said, the boss is not going to get fired over that. He can easily make the case that he meant it as a reprimand, and it'll go in BOTH of their files, IF she complains. As a supervisor, I can tell you that what he SHOULD have done is take her into his office with his boss present and explained that he needs to not see her boobs during work hours, but he didn't, so that's moot. So what SHE needs to do is get a co-worker to go confront him and find out what he meant, AND she needs to quit showing her boobs at work. It IS unprofessional and it IS distracting. If he meant it as a reprimand, I'm sure she can find a way to say that she would appreciate his being a bit less crass (and indirect) about it in the future. And if he was trying to pay her a compliment, well, she can tell him she doesn't appreciate it. But making a Federal case out of it only hurts all of you. But if it gets worse and/or he keeps it up, by all means, go to HR. I have advised women where I work both ways. Some were being harassed. Some were being overly sensitive. But let's not jump the gun and make a big deal out of it until it really is a big deal. As for you, don't give me this "men are the oppressors" crap. That's just as sexist as what you fight against. By lumping all of us together with "all men are oppressors", you make the same mistake. Don't be a man-hating sexist bitch, or you lose all credibility when you go to defend someone who really does need your help. Some of us men DON'T think making women uncomfortable is cute or fun. Don't make us into your enemies for no good reason. You're just throwing away good allies.

dietSYNTHpop 0

This made me so very happy XD

lolzforfun228 3

your life is ****** because some guy said your cleavage looked good. Wow.