Cute but annoying

By Anonymous - 17/12/2010 17:08 - United States

Today, while on my honeymoon with my new wife, I tried to be romantic by installing a clapper to the lights in our room. As things progressed, the noise of our love making triggered the lights on and off repeatedly. She began to laugh and we ended up just calling it an early night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 404
You deserved it 14 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the story you'll later tell your grandchildr-- wait, you have to actually have sex in order to ever have grandchildren.


simply_wicked2u 0
jckbco 0

dude, you need to try a little harder to be romantic... a clapper light switch is romantic?

yeah honestly, that's a pretty awesome way of starting a marriage

I understand, nothing says romantic like "Clap on, clap off"

bfflrhea 0

#3.. ur wallpaper forgot the letter c :)

Nice, you gave her the clap (per) on your honeymoon.

MiGman 5

that actually sounds awesome, she enjoyed it... i know you were expecting more but don't be upset just try another time without the clapper :P