
By OutOfTheCloset - 02/06/2012 06:50 - United States - Clifton

Today, I came out of the closet. I came out on Facebook to spare myself awkward conversations and gossip. I wrote a deeply meaningful status about my partner and my pride in who I was. The only responses were, "Lol", "Hacked", and similar remarks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 915
You deserved it 13 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bjoernabee 1

Whats with people and against gays? Seriously. It just gives us guys a better chance of finding a girl :D But yeah, FYL

klovemachine 24

Should have done it in person. No possibility of hacking that way (or people saying lol hacked)


Wait a moment... There are gay people in Texas?

Just because gays aren't commonly tolerated in Texas doesn't mean they don't exist there. They exist everywhere there are humans.

It is sarcasm, on the plight of gays in TX. I have seen a lover not be able to attend a funeral because of a**hole parents who cannot face reality.

zuzupetalsYO 11

Wow that's just not right :( I don't see why homophobes need to know about other people's sexuality. Ruins my faith in humanity.

My ex-girlfriend and my online bestie both live in texas and their gay!

FML_14u2c 14

Wow OP, your FML page got hacked too? Just kidding, FYL.

Well if you werent gay you wouldnt be worrying right now

you can't pussy out about these things you should've done it in person

If you can't bear it in person, make a video. If they bash you over the truth, tell them to go **** themselves.

We've heard this story before & we always say don't come out on FB! That's the worse thing you can do!

Oh sweetie be proud of who you are. You were very brave to come out of the closet. Just clarify to everyone that you are in fact serious. Everything will turn out fine :)

That is awful. Similar things were said to me when i came out, but they went away after like two days. Don't let it get you down too much