Desperate housewife

By lamemom - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Fredericton

Today, my friend saw a stamp on my hand and asked me which club I had gone to last night. I was so desperate to seem cool that I lied, instead of admitting it was actually from a children's play group that I took my kids to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 209
You deserved it 9 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey at least you are a committed parent! That's what you should be proud of rather than disgracing it with a lie! Be proud of your efforts!

The kiddie rave scene is pretty hardcore though


NotGabe 28

Aww yeah, turnt up at Weenie Hut Jr.

Gettin hella drunk with my main bitch chucky cheese

babygurll19 10

Chuck E. Cheese* is not a bitch

DaMann360 19

How is "getting wasted" considered cool? Sure, I've been drunk several times, but never to the point that I don't know what I'm doing at that.time. I see no fun or coolness (pretty sure thats no word) in that.

if they're a true friend they aren't going to care about whether you have a busy social life or not. Being a great parent is much more admirable anyway. I'm 22 with a kid and totally uninterested in clubs... a night out ends up costing too much anyway. Much rather be at home with my little family!

Commited parents are cool, OP, don't worry.

you're a nice mother spending time with your children is very important, you can start getting drunk and partying when they are teengers :)

I would always have to beg my mom to even step foot in some place like that. You're a good mom, OP. Take pride in that. :)

Living like Katy Perry is not the best thing...

every1luvsboners 11

Last time I went to a children's play group I came home with my 2nd and 15th constitutional amendments annulled, a felony and I have to register at this state website every so often. Consider yourself lucky.

One minute you're having fun, next minute the FBI party can has to come and ruin everything.

That's shit isn't funny....and if that IS true why the **** would you post it here?

Kristoffer 35

You ain't gotta lie to kick it.

I would have thought you were cool by being a great parent for taking your kids to that play group. I know way too many parents that aren't involved with their kids and just keep they plopped in front of a TV screen.