Desperate housewife

By lamemom - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Fredericton

Today, my friend saw a stamp on my hand and asked me which club I had gone to last night. I was so desperate to seem cool that I lied, instead of admitting it was actually from a children's play group that I took my kids to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 210
You deserved it 9 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey at least you are a committed parent! That's what you should be proud of rather than disgracing it with a lie! Be proud of your efforts!

The kiddie rave scene is pretty hardcore though


Hey at least you are a committed parent! That's what you should be proud of rather than disgracing it with a lie! Be proud of your efforts!

The kiddie rave scene is pretty hardcore though

MOSH PIT IN THE BALL PIT!..... that may be a terrible idea.

Being a parent is a hard task, however rewarding! Don't be embarrassed of it.

The truth is kinda cooler than the lie you just told :/ Sometimes my mind is ****** up.

I actually would agree with you ;) truth is cooler than the lie

Very much so. I have seen too many parents ditch their kids with a baby sitter to live it up clubbing every weekend. Parenting is a commitment. And while getting out occasionally to do something non kid related is great, there is no need to be ashamed of putting your kids first. Some parents want to still be the kid. That looks more pathetic then a kid party stamp IMO.

Who cares what they think? As long as you do right by your kids, nobody else's opinion matters.

45thTBirds 7

I tell my mom and dad the exact opposite.

Watch out! We got a badass over here!

I don't mean to impress you but I must say that every weekend I go clubbing at the high class club, YMCA. You wouldn't get it, it's too high class.

That's a very classy place. You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, you can do whatever you feel.

lexiieeex3 32

You're thinking too much about it, I doubt anyone would think a mom is boring because she isn't out clubbing when she has kids to take care of.

you shouldn't be embarrassed to say you had fun with your kids :) IMO, if you do, you just don't work as a parent should ..