Desperate housewife

By lamemom - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Fredericton

Today, my friend saw a stamp on my hand and asked me which club I had gone to last night. I was so desperate to seem cool that I lied, instead of admitting it was actually from a children's play group that I took my kids to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 210
You deserved it 9 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey at least you are a committed parent! That's what you should be proud of rather than disgracing it with a lie! Be proud of your efforts!

The kiddie rave scene is pretty hardcore though


No shame in that OP. Caring for your kids and doing stuff with them, that's pretty cool in my book.

Just be glad you didn't slip up and say that you went to a club called chuck e cheeses, that could have made the situation that much worse

For shame.. I would have been proud to say I spent time with my kids.

OP, you shouldn't have to lie about that. The fact that you'd rather spend time with your kids, being a good mom, makes you cool. That's much better than dumping your kids off on others to go clubbing. Be proud of yourself and your choices!

Who cares! be proud you're a good Mama! if anyone judges you for that they arent worth being friends with. all good moms are lame lol I'm one of em

life is all about taking the kiddos to play groups, the park and chuck e cheese. your kids will always come first if your an awesome parent, and it sounds like you are!

I don't see what's so wrong with admitting your a great parent! 99% of kids r more awesome then grown ups!!

being involved in your kids' lives is way cooler than going to a club.

Taking your kids to places and things you hate because you know it will make them happy is a sure sign that you love them, lol.