Desperate housewife

By lamemom - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Fredericton

Today, my friend saw a stamp on my hand and asked me which club I had gone to last night. I was so desperate to seem cool that I lied, instead of admitting it was actually from a children's play group that I took my kids to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 209
You deserved it 9 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey at least you are a committed parent! That's what you should be proud of rather than disgracing it with a lie! Be proud of your efforts!

The kiddie rave scene is pretty hardcore though


Why be embarrassed? Do you really care what others think? Be honest and be proud! Only care about your kids and teaching your kids honesty

Loud music, a small space crammed full of people, spilled drinks, tantrums, puke and accidents. A standard clubbing night out IMO. The fact that you took your kids out and had fun with them is nothing to be ashamed of. My mum and I still go out partying every now and then. The feeling of seeing your kids having fun, hearing their laughter and watching them smile makes everything worth it. Remember that and wear the title of mum with pride OP.

For me at some point most clubs turn out the same and get kinda bland over time. But experiences with children I would imagine would be quite new and cool (because I'm not yet a parent but hopefully one day!) so be proud when you're out being a real parent spending time with your kids.

Spending time with your children is precious, don't ever underestimate the value of that

Please, for the love of god, don't breed.

tehdarkness 21

YDI for not washin your hands good.

If your friend would find you uncool for spending time with your kids you don't need to be friends with them in my opinion

didnt realize clubbing over being a good parent is the new cool